Packing Strategically

We are all familiar with Emotional Baggage…. maybe too familiar. I teach my clients a concept I call Packing Strategically and how it can be used to stop over drinking.

There is both a literal and a figurative side to this …. and I do love more bang for your buck.

Packing for a trip is like a game for me.

The goal is for everything to fit in this bag + my backpack. The current record is for our 15-day trip to AU/NZ - in their winter which is relevant because winter clothes are bulkier.

Everything that goes in this bag EARNS that spot. This is not a willy Nilly process.

  • Do I instinctively reach for this article of clothing because I feel great wearing it?

  • Am I willing to wear it a couple of times?

And knowing myself. I am never going to go to the hotel gym when I have the option of exploring a new city, so those workout clothes are a no.

So that is the literal process.

Figuratively, packing strategically means taking the stories from your past that feel great and you want to wear a couple of times and are going to help you.

For the love of God, DO NOT BRING all of the evidence about how you:

❌ never finish anything

❌ are scared to journal because your mother read your diary

❌ self-sabotage because you are afraid of failure

That shit is heavy and will weigh you down.

Picture keeping track of all of it all day and then trying to maneuver all of that into a Parisian sidewalk cafe - no don't do that to yourself.

DO BRING evidence from your past that will support your goal to stop over drinking. Your brain will want to fight you here, but this is important.

✅ You quit smoking. It wasn’t easy, AND you did it.

✅ If you are hesitant to come up with your own, what would someone else consider your major accomplishments?

✅ What comes naturally to you that seems hard for others?

Packing strategically means that you are only going to bring the stuff on this journey that will help you and makes you feel amazing. This is important because in addition to the tips and tricks that I will share with you, you need to have enough belief to keep going. To pick yourself up when you stumble and continue to move forward. This is what you want to choose to bring with you.

Breezing through security is great, but the real value is dumping the things that will hold you back.

Emotional baggage could be standing in your way of having the relationship that you want with alcohol. Grab a time on my calendar today here and I will help you set yourself up for success.

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PS - I have looked at this from every angle which is why I am the perfect person to help you on your journey to stop over drinking.

PPS - We are in the back half of 2022, as I was making plans for what I want to make happen in the next six months, I did a review of the first half of the year. I practice what I preach and pack strategically too!

In reviewing popular content, this is the blog post that gets the most attention, Free Resources is the most popular subpage on my site and my urge interruption technique is definitely the winning video. I will work on bringing you more hands on "how to" content in the future.

PPPS- Have you signed up for my Stop Over Drinking course? I condensed everything that I wished someone would have told me when I first started down to 3 key principles that are easily digestible and since it is delivered via email, you can consume the content at your convenience.


How to be a safe cracker to figure out your drinking


How to Stop Over Drinking Course