I have a hard time stringing two days together

When Sally says "I have a hard time stringing two days together," is that a fact or a belief?

Is there a blood test that will determine this about her?


This is a belief. Sure, it is disguised as a fact, but it is 100% a belief.

Sally will want to fight to hold onto this.

She will share many instances of how this is true. She has plenty of evidence to back up her point. The thing is that, by doing so, her brain is completely disregarding the times that it is not true.

I see people do this all of the time with weather. They will debate about how their town has the worst weather. This is a real head scratcher for me because what is the win here???

Same with Sally, if I agree with her that this is a fact about her, then she has no where to go. She has painted herself into the corner of having a hard time stringing two days together. And when we feel stuck, it is no surprise that the "F-its" and the "why bothers" win out and she proves her underlying belief that she isn't able to string two days together.

When she can see that this is a belief, then she can work on loosening it.

Identifying and examining the underlying belief systems that are driving your habit will enable you to regain control over your relationship with alcohol.

Do you know what your beliefs are?

Maybe you have a belief that alcohol helps

  • unwind and destress

  • loosen up and connect with others

  • deal with emotions

  • quiet my monkey mind

  • escape from my chaotic life

Or maybe it is that you believe that

  • cutting back is a sacrifice

  • drinking must be ok since everyone else does it

  • there must be something wrong with me

Identifying these belief systems explains why this is a struggle for you.

This is actually great news because it shines a light on what your work is.

This can be your silver bullet because this is the information that will help get you out of that painted corner.

No one can see their own blind spots.

This is the work that I do with my clients in my Drink Less, Live More program.

I am not saying this to sell coaching. This is the work that I have been doing for years and regardless of how much I practice, I have a human brain and I get coached. I have subconscious beliefs hidden in my brain that I accept as truth, just like you do. And just like you, we all benefit from having someone outside of our brain point out these thoughts that are keeping us stuck.

If you have been considering it, but are still on the fence, your investment in my Drink Less, Live More program is guaranteed. If you show up 100% and still don't get results, I wouldn't feel good about keeping your money.

Schedule a consult to discuss if this is the right fit for you.


The judgement call is coming from inside the house


All of your power is in your thinking