How to Stop Over Drinking

Free 3-Part Email Course containing the Fundamental Tools to Stop Over Drinking

I continued to drink more than I wanted to for years because I didn’t know that it was possible to just get rid of the negative parts of drinking.

Everything changed when I learned how to stop the “over-ing” part of my drinking.

I put together this course that contains the 3 fundamental tools that I use with my clients every day. And now I am offering this to the public and invite you to try it out for yourself.

Let me send you the Free 3 Part course via email

I used to be an over-drinker.

There is a stigma with overdrinking. “They” say that either you are a normal drinker or you are not.

You don’t want to make a big proclamation that you want to make changes in your drinking because that really is making a bigger deal out of it than it warrants.

And, you also don’t want to re-live the embarrassment of being hammered at that party and having your partner help you off of the dance floor.

I get it- I have been there.

And I created this course for you.

I took the key things that I wish that someone had told me when I started and condensed them down into 3 modules. I don’t think that more is always better. Everyone is busy these days so having someone else go through and do the work of curating the key points is valuable to me and to you.

Once you have confirmed your email address, you will receive a series of emails that will have a video and sometimes a worksheet. Take all of the time that you need to watch the videos and do the work. Do it when it is convenient for you.

You will have these tools to come back to over and over until they become second nature just like pouring that glass of wine at 5:00 has become second nature.

These exact tools are the ones that I used to stop over drinking forever. This course is free, short and it works. I hope you’ll join me in trying it.