You Can Control Your Urge To Drink

WITHOUT Quitting Forever 🤯

I know first hand how terrible the craving to drink can feel; feeling out of control when the craving hits and then feeling like I was drinking almost “against my will” just to make the urgency go away.

You can retrain your brain and feel more in control.

This simple 5 minute recording worked for me and it will for you too- all that you have to do is try it!

Let me send you the free recording

This works!

“Before I started listening to this recording, I felt out of control when I had a craving to drink. This has really helped me when I needed it the most. Caroline’s voice is so soothing and calming, yet steady and confident. Now that I understand the value, this is something that I would pay for. ” J.K.


Having a craving for alcohol can feel like an emergency. You know in your mind that you are trying to drink less, but the urgency to have a drink in the moment is overwhelming. You think, “I’ll just have a drink to clear my mind so I can think clearly.” Or you think, “Okay but this time this situation really justifies having a drink.”

I see you - I’ve been there. I wanted to be in control of my drinking, but I knew there had to be a better way than completely giving up all alcohol forever. I wondered if there was a way to change those thoughts that we all have about how I’m going to have another drink “just this time because it’s really necessary.”

I did a deep dive into brains and how they work, and I learned that those thoughts come from a part of your brain called the “limbic system”, or some people call it your lizard brain. This part of your brain is in charge of keeping you safe, so it’s really important! It’s the part that activates your body to run away from danger, or move your hand away from something hot before it burns you.

But sometimes your lizard brain gets confused about what things are actually dangerous.

So your lizard brain starts to experience something that it thinks is scary or dangerous, and it’s not really dangerous. But your lizard brain is still in there yelling about how we need to do something to avoid that experience. It knows that drinking alcohol will turn off the alarm, so you feel like it is an actual emergency to have that drink.

That feeling is real, and there is nothing wrong with having it. It’s your brain trying to keep you safe! Good job, brain!

There’s this other part of your brain called the “prefrontal cortex”, and it’s the part that is active when you are reading this information, and thinking logically about things. This is the part of the brain that knows you don’t actually want to have a drink right now. It gets drowned out by the lizard brain alarm, but there is a way to bypass your lizard brain and be able to make decisions with your logical brain!

This is the secret I learned in my studies that helped me to become in control of my drinking, and I want to share it with you. I know it feels like a 5-minute recording can’t possibly help with something that is creating problems for you in your life. If the solution was that simple, why wouldn’t everyone be doing it, right?!

Well, I have to tell you. I don’t know why everyone isn’t doing it!! This 5-minute recording was key in me literally changing my life, and it will change your life too.

It’s free, it’s easy, and it literally can’t hurt you. I hope you’ll join me in trying it.